All work must be of original design and processed by the artists (“handcrafted”). Artists may not exhibit or sell subcontracted work. Absolutely NO buy/sell. Work in progress image is required on all applications. Any items brought to the show that were not listed in application are not permitted, and are subject for removal. Limited reproductions are acceptable and only in certain mediums (rule of 90% original and 10% reproductions). All work must be safe, non-toxic, and fit for its intended use. If any work requires special or limited use, the artist must fully disclose and explain this to the public.The work exhibited by the artist must match the quality and balance of the images submitted to Lakeshore Art Festival for consideration. The jury reserves the right to reject items during the show, which are in poor taste, or not the quality or media category submitted for review. Exhibitors not in compliance with the rules and regulations will be asked to leave the show immediately without a refund.
Such items as imports, velvet paintings, manufactured or kit items and any commercially or factory produced merchandise from artist shops of any kind are not eligible for entry. Any commercially produced parts used in a work must play a subordinate role and may not be sold separately. Any art brought to the show and not submitted within application will be subject for on-site rejection.
Exhibitors may not display more than a few items that are essentially alike (less than 15% of booth space). Artist should avoid a mass-produced appearance to their displays. Artists working in partnership must both have a part in creating the work, with one member having registered for the space and partners name listed on application. The artists must exhibit his/her OWN work.
Handcrafted boutique-style booths are subject to separate jury reviews for each medium exhibitited. Please contact the festival if you are unsure of what category to choose.
No weapons may be exhibited or sold.
Exhibitors who violate the exhibition rules will not be allowed to participate the next year or be eligible for prizes. The Lakeshore Art Festival staff makes all decisions regarding rules compliance.
Each exhibitor display space will be at least 10’x10’. Tent size shall not exceed 10’x10’. Spaces will be allocated at the discretion of the festival organizers. Requests will be considered. Corner spaces are not charged as prime locations. Electrical or water service is NOT available. Exhibitors are responsible for providing their own display, tent, and booth equipment.Blind Jury Process
Images are reviewed by the panel in a blind jury process. The jury is comprised of artists, art professionals, exhibitor peers, and experienced show coordinators. The jury will view each artist’s set of five images by category. The process, materials and dimensions for each image, as well as artist information statements, and price will be made available to the jury. Artistic excellence and a well-balanced show are the criteria for selection of exhibitors. Decisions of the jury panel are final. Lakeshore Art Festival committee has the right to reject any exhibitor based on past experience, art submitted or other. Exhibitors will be placed within Fine Art/Fine Craft or Craft Market based on their jury scores.
-Five images are to be submitted for each application entered by the artist. Booth image requirements must be representative of the booth quality you intend to provide at the event. The images must represent what you plan to have at the show. Choose high-quality, good resolution photos that demonstrate product quality and uniqueness. Images should NOT include artist or booth name in photo.
-Three images of individual pieces of work.
-One image of a work in progress is REQUIRED.
-One image of booth display including artist’s work that will be in show.
Fine Art / Fine Craft Artist Awards
$3,000 in prize money will be awarded to our fine art / fine craft winners. Judging for cash prizes takes place on Saturday of the show. Artist Awards are determined by a professional art juror. Artistic excellence is the criteria for selecting the awards. Awards will be presented Saturday afternoon with prize money delivered at close of show. Prize awards are as follows:
$1,000 First Place/Best in Show
$800 Second Place
$600 Third Place
$400 Honorable Mention
$200 Committee’s Choice
Craft / Artisan Food Market
People’s Choice Award will be announced on Saturday afternoon. Awards will be provided for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place as voted on by the Lakeshore Art Festival attendees.
Sales Tax
Exhibitors are responsible to collect and remit 6% Michigan sales tax. Call the Michigan Treasury Department at 1-800-367-6263 for sales tax forms.
Set Up / Take Down / Security
Set up will take place on June 23 and June 24 (exact times will be listed on acceptance letter). Overnight security will be provided on June 23 and June 24. Take down must be completed by 8pm of June 25.
Amenities Include
Extensive marketing and publicity using online/print news, magazine, social media, industry trade publications, posters, radio advertising, television, and billboards. Vehicle access near booth site for easy set up and teardown. Private security patrolling park and streets overnight Friday and Saturday. Exhibitor hospitality which includes morning coffee, juice, water and baked goods. Friendly Lakeshore Art Festival Committee Member booth sitters for exhibitor breaks. $3,000 in Fine Art / Fine Craft awards and Craft Market People’s Choice Awards.