Welcome, Fine Art / Fine Craft Exhibitors!

Please Note: The show will be happening rain or shine. There are no rain dates or refunds for inclement weather. Be sure to bring good weights for your tents, and secure the sides in the evening. Thank you!


  • Make sure to tell everyone you know that you’ll be at the Lakeshore Art Festival on June 29 & 30!
  • If you’re on social media, “like” our page and invite your friends to “like” our page, too!
  • Click HERE to download the “I’m an exhibitor at” and other graphics. Please update your profile photos and share on social media!
  • Click HERE to visit us on Facebook
  • Click HERE to go to the Facebook event
  • Click HERE to visit us on Instagram.
  • Make sure to tag us in your social media posts! We want to share what you’re working on.
  • If you’re not on social media, be sure to visit our website at lakeshoreartfestival.org.


  • Saturday, June 29, 2024 from 9am to 5pm
  • Sunday, June 30, 2024 from 9am to 5pm
  • Fine Art/Fine Craft exhibitors will be located in Downtown Muskegon at Hackley Park.

Registration and Set Up:

  • Set up will begin on Friday, June 28 from 2pm – 8pm and Saturday, June 2 from 6am – 8:30am. We ask that you NOT set up before 2pm on Friday, June 28. There will not be anyone to assist you before 2pm.
  • DO NOT SET UP YOUR BOOTH BEFORE YOU REGISTER at the Information Booth in the park, on the corner of 3rd Street and Clay Avenue. You will be given a packet that contains your booth space permit, your vehicle identification card and other important event information.
  • Tent stakes cannot be used in the park, as they cause damage to the underground sprinkler system. Please use bricks or other weights to secure your tents and displays.
  • Security will be on site overnight Friday, June 28 and Saturday, June 29.
  • Booth sitters are available. You may sign up for a specific time at the Information Booth.
  • Please unload and move your vehicle as soon as possible, so that others may unload.
  • No vehicles are allowed on the park grounds, terraces, walkways, etc.

Booth Details:

  • Click HERE to view the artist directory and find your booth space number.
  • Click HERE to view a full map of the festival layout. Scroll down to see the layout for the Fine Art section.
  • Each exhibitor display space will be at least 10’x10’. Suggested tent size is 10’x10’.
  • You may not share your booth with another exhibitor.
  • You will be given a booth number sign at registration. Please place your booth number sign in a highly visible area on your exhibitor booth.

Buy and Sell Products – NOT PERMITTED

  • No products or services other than what is listed on your application will be allowed in your booth.
  • If unapproved, non-handcrafted items are displayed, we will ask that they be removed. If you fail to remove unapproved products, you will be asked to leave the show immediately.
  • If you see another exhibitor that you believe to have buy and sell products in their booth, please let a Lakeshore Art Festival director know immediately. We will be able to handle the situation as soon as we know about it.


  • Exhibitors will receive a vehicle identification card at registration. This MUST be displayed in your vehicle during loading/unloading, or your car may be towed. Please note that this is NOT a parking pass. This is an identification card to let our staff know that you are an exhibitor when loading/unloading.
  • There is absolutely no parking in any posted “No Parking” zone or areas that have been designated as “Road Closed.” Your car will be towed.
  • There is NO parking around the park on Clay, Webster, 3rd and 4th during the show. That is reserved for guest loading/unloading and handicapped.
  • We recommend that you park in the lot on Shoreline Drive, between Fourth and Terrace Point Rd, as designated in this map. THIS IS THE ONLY PARKING LOT THAT THE LAKESHORE ART FESTIVAL HAS APPROVAL TO USE. Parking may be available in other lots. Click HERE to view the map. Parking fees may apply, depending on where you park. Because the lots are private or city owned, the Lakeshore Art Festival has no control over how those lots are regulated or handled.
  • Failure to adhere to any parking regulations will result in your vehicle being towed at your expense.


  • The fine art/fine craft juror will be on site Saturday, June 29. Winners will be announced and awards will be given out the same day. Award checks will be mailed after the show.

Prizes are as follows:

    • $1,000 – First Place/Best in Show
    • $800 – Second Place
    • $600 – Third Place
    • $400 – Honorable Mention
    • $200 – Committee’s Choice

Artist Reception

An artist reception will be held at the Greater Muskegon Women’s Club at 280 W Western Ave on Saturday, June 29 from 5 pm – 7 pm. Light hors d’oeuvres and cash bar will be available.

Keepin’ it Green! – Take Down/Clean Up

The Lakeshore Art Festival is leading the charge in trying to produce a zero-waste event. Because of this, here are a few important items to note:

  • Clean-up will begin at 5:15pm and must end by 8:00pm on Sunday, June 30.
  • Exhibitors that begin cleaning up and attempting to leave prior to the show closing will not be eligible to participate in next year’s event. If you have an emergency, please contact a director at the Information Booth.
  • Please leave your cardboard boxes next to any trash receptacle, so that we can dispose of them properly.
  • Compost bins will be available in the food area on 3rd Street if you have organic matter that needs to be disposed of.
  • A dumpster will be on location. Please utilize the dumpsters if you have a large amount of non-recyclable, non-compostable waste. Otherwise, you can use the trash cans provided throughout the event.
  • All trash MUST be removed from your space(s) when the show ends Sunday, June 30. If your booth space is left with trash or has damage in any way, you will not be eligible to participate in next year’s event and may be fined.

Items Worth Noting:

  • The Downtown Muskegon Social District provides common areas in the downtown in which alcoholic beverages from participating establishments can be carried and consumed. These areas overlap with the festival footprint. The Social District is regulated and approved by the City of Muskegon and the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. Click HERE to learn more.
  • This year’s event will feature a sculpture in the Flower Power theme. A local artist has been selected to create an artistic masterpiece. The final artwork will be displayed in the festival footprint, and guests are encouraged to visit. In addition, Muskegon Museum of Art will be hosting a booth for guests to create their own miniature pipe cleaner flower creations during the festival. The public is invited to stop by and get creative making their own Flower Power themed art.
  • The Authors’ Alley will be back! Over 20 Michigan authors will be showcasing their original books.
  • Festival brochures and post-event surveys will be completely digital this year. More information to come.
  • We could not do this without our sponsors! Please be sure to visit our sponsor page HERE. If you see a sponsor, be sure to thank them for their support!

The Muskegon Area:

  • For lodging, airfare, restaurant, and local event information, please click HERE. Unfortunately, there are not any hotel discounts for exhibitors this year.
  • Please note that Muskegon is a growing city! There may be roads and buildings under construction. We will notify you of any major changes.

We’re so excited that you are a part of the Lakeshore Art Festival. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call/text us at (231)726-0724 or email Paula at [email protected].

The Lakeshore Art Festival Team


Be part of the fun by joining the Lakeshore Art Festival Team!